Year 1 & 2: Peace Project

The third panel to be sent to France as part of the Fen Edge Twinning Association art exchange was designed and created by the Year 1s and 2s.
We discussed how hands could be seen as a sign of friendship and reconciliation. Each child drew around their own hand and then coloured it using paint and felt pen.
Some lovely Year 3 & 4s helped out by painting the background and we then organised and stuck down our hand shapes in accordance with the colour wheel.
We cut letters from paper that we had painted ourselves:
The children did a wonderful job and the finished artwork looks very effective. The panel expresses the thought that peace flourishes when people of different cultures and backgrounds extend the hand of friendship to one another.
Here are the three finished panels together ...
... and here they are, displayed at the ceremony in Avrillé, together with artwork from schools in France and Germany:
This is the panel created by the children of the École Notre Dame de l’Adézière:
The ceremony included a release of doves rather like the ones in the panel created by our Year 6s.
We really enjoyed taking part in this project and would love to do something similar again in the future.