Year 5/6: Landscapes and mark making
The Year 5/6s will be looking at landscape painting and mark making this half-term.
We began by analysing the brush strokes and mark making in a number of landscape paintings from the impressionist period onward. Over the next three weeks, pupils will experiment with different media before creating a final work of their own.
In the first week, we looked at monochrome pictures and at the paintings of John Virtue. The children were encouraged to experiment with chalk, charcoal and pen in their sketchbooks.
Sadly, I don't have many photographs of this lesson because my iPad camera lens got covered in chalk dust!
In the second lesson, the pupils looked at the watercolour paintings of John Sell Cotman and Philip Wilson Steer. They went on to experiment with a variety of watercolour techniques before creating a small landscape painting of their own.
These are just preparatory sketches but I think that they look wonderful!