Year 5 & 6: Artist Workshop

The pupils were very excited when Mr Ferris arrived to lead the next stage in the creation of our sgraffito panels.
We looked at examples of Mr Ferris's own work for inspiration and then the children began work on their piece:
All of the panels had had a layer of black paint applied, so for the Years 6s, who were away last week, the emergence of the underlying colours was a surprise.
The pupils worked with great focus and I was really impressed by the variety of ideas and designs.
Each of the three 5/6 classes took part in this project so there are nearly ninety panels in all:
The finished panels look amazing individually and even more as a group. Here is a closer look at just a few of them. We are grateful to Mr Ferris for leading this workshop and can’t wait to see our work displayed at the festival in a few days: