Art Exhibition 2017

Willingham Primary School held its Annual Art Exhibition on July 12th. An entire wall of the New Hall was taken up by the Willingham Wall of Colour:
This wall and the wall opposite included a painting from every child in the school from Foundation Stage to Year 6.
Here are some of the highlights from the stands showcasing individual projects completed over the school year:
Beach collages from Honeypot Pre-school.
Butterflies and polar bears from Year 1.
Liquorice allsorts Art and wax resist dandelions from Years 1 and 2.
Mixed media frogs from Years 3 and 4.
Cityscapes and colour wheels from Years 3 and 4.
Wayne Thiebaud-inspired cupcakes from Years 3 and 4.
Clay monster pots from Year 5.
Mixed media work from Year 5.
Cup designs from Years 5 and 6.
Mixed media paintings inspired by Hokusai's 'The Great Wave'.
Year 5 abstract paintings and animal collages.
Rainbow Art from Year 6.
The exhibition could not have been organised without the help of a large number of staff and I am enormously grateful to all those generous colleagues who spent their free time trimming and mounting work, located quantities of backing paper, prepared and served refreshments, gave up their PPA time to release me over this week and offered their unstinting help and support over the whole year. I am particularly proud of the children who produced such inspiring Artwork. Thank you everyone!
Ms Varty