Ofsted Report
Willingham Primary School had an Ofsted Inspection in January 2018. Ofsted has judged that our school is now a Good school. It was judged to be Good in all judgement areas: The Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils; Effectiveness of Leadership and Management; and Early Years.
This report is a fantastic representation of the progress that the school has made since the previous inspection; it reflects the strengths that have been clear to me since my start at the school in January and the information provided to me by Mrs Francis, the Leadership Team and the Governing body. The children should take particular pride in the report as, on many occasions, it reflects their brilliant attitude to learning and their polite behaviour.
The report is a celebration of the work that the previous Leadership Team, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Support Staff, parents and children have put into making Willingham Primary School a really special place for children to learn. Please be assured however, that this does not mean that the school will rest on its improvement journey. My ambitions are to continue to guide the school to ensure that it continues to become even better; and to strive to create an irresistible environment for learning, where children are taught about the best that has been thought and said and can apply their knowledge to a broad range of creative and critical tasks.
D Morel - Headteacher